Frederik Utzon

Frederik Utzon

Frederik Utzon

Account director

Frederik loves (intensely) Bruce Springsteen, sports, and his dad's bolognese.

Frederik is particularly happy working on projects that gives back or inspires people to help. Therefor, one of Frederiks favorite tasks were creating a campaign raising awareness for Dansk Center for Organdonation – raising awareness of organ donation. He was a part of developing the concept for the films and really likes creating films for a good cause. And he is now an organ donor!  

Frederik has been working at Goodwill Film for more than four years now – and tried on a few job titles before settling on account director which befitted his wit the best.

Frederik really likes talking to people and finding the best possible solutions that suites the clients' needs, why the role as account director is a perfect match. He is also stock full of great ideas and often develop the ideas for our own marketing videos as well as campaigns, concepts etc.

He is the unofficial John Mayer of the office – and the office guitar (yes, of course we have one) rightly hangs right by his desk.

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